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The Future Care of Our Nation's Heritage - A Debate

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:00 pm
by goffik
2013 is the centenary of a landmark moment for Britain’s heritage. The passing of the Ancient Monuments Amendment and Consolidation Act of 1913 recognised for the first time that there are physical remains of the nation’s history which are so special and so sgnificant that the State has a duty to ensure their continued survival. Yet as perceptions of our past have evolved over the past 100 years, so too have views about which aspects of heritage are significant, what should be protected and how our past should inform our present and future.
Jointly organised by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, English Heritage, the National Trust and the Society of Antiquaries, this debate will bring together leading thinkers on heritage to debate the following motion:

This house believes that future care for our heritage requires Government as our champion.

This debate will be open to questions and points from the floor and from those watching the live video stream.
To submit a question in advance, please email
Watch it online here: ... -a-debate/

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